How to Calculate Percentage of Marks of 12th Class

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks of 12th Class

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks of 12th Class
How to Calculate Percentage of Marks of 12th Class

How to Calculate Percentage of Marks of 12th Class

Schooling is one of the primary parts of any student’s life and the 10th to 12th class duration is among the most crucial ones. Since our life’s main objectives are defined on behalf of the results of class 10th (for selecting a stream) and then majorly on class 12th (for getting admission into a good college), it carries great importance in our lives.

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Some years back the results declared were shown under the marking system and marks obtained out of total marks were all displayed on the final result. These days the system has got changed for some boards and they started showing grades instead of marks obtained or percentages.

Many people find it difficult to calculate the actual percentage of marks from the grading system and seems to look out for some help regarding a method to calculate the percentage from the grades or CGPA displayed. CGPA (Cumulative Grade Points Average) is nothing like rocket science, instead, it is just the average of grade points in all the subjects.

If you’re also looking for the same answer (to know how to calculate the percentage of marks of 12th class), you’re on the right page and we will not only tell you how to calculate your percentage from your CGPA but will also describe different grades.

We will cover all your queries as mentioned below:

  1. How to calculate percentage of marks of 12th class CBSE
  2. How to calculate percentage of marks of 12th class State Board

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So, let’s begin with the first question:

  1. How to calculate percentage of marks of 12th class CBSE 2020

CBSE has started giving 12th class results in CGPA (Grading) format since a few years. Now many students and their wards are facing problems in converting the CGPA (total) into a percentage, as back in the days of parents the results were declared in percentage and it’s hard for some people to predict one standing with CGPA.

It’s not hard to deduce the percentage from CGPA, actually, you just have to multiply the total CGPA by 9.5 to get your actual percentage.

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e.g.: if you are getting a final/ total CGPA of 7, then multiply it by 9.5 to get your percentage.

                  7.0 x 9.5 = 66.5, hence your actual percentage is 66.5% in 12th class.

Let’s take another example and consider that your CGPA is 8.5,

Then, 8.5 x 9.5 = 80.75, hence your actual percentage is 80.75% in 12th class.

I hope, it clears out your doubts about deducing your percentage from CGPA.

Now, let’s take another question inline

  1. How to calculate percentage of marks of 12th class state board

Unlike CBSE, many state boards are still displaying their 12th class results in marks format still (instead of the grading system). Here also, many students and their wards are facing problems in calculating the percentage from the total marks given for each subject. So if your state board is providing your 12th class result in Grading format (CGPA format), then you can calculate it using the method of calculation we have discussed above for the CBSE Board. Otherwise, if marks are given then you can follow the calculation method given below.

It’s not hard to calculate the percentage of total marks obtained, actually, you just have to divide your total obtained marks into all subjects with the total number of subjects.

e.g.: if you are having five main subjects (leave the electives) and you got a total of 332.5 (marks obtained) then just divide this total by 5.

                  i.e.: 332.5 / 5 = 66.5, hence your actual percentage is 66.5% in 12th class.

Let’s take another example, consider that your total of marks obtained in all main subjects is 484.5 and you have 6 main subjects in the 12th class (whose total of marks obtained is 484.5).

Then, 484.5 / 5 = 80.75, hence your actual percentage is 80.75% in 12th class.

I hope, it clears out your doubts about deducing your percentage total marks obtained.

*Remember that elective subjects’ marks shall not be considered for calculating the percentage.

  1. How to Convert your percentage into CGPA

Now, if you want to convert your percentage into CGPA, then the solution is quite simple and the opposite of what we did during the conversion of CGPA to percentage.

e.g.: if your percentage is 66.5, then divide it by 9.5 to get your CGPA.

i.e.: 66.5 / 9.5 = 7, hence 7 is your CGPA.

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